July recap: WOW!
Good morning Wyld Folk, and a very Blessed Lughnasadh!
I’m writing to you from a very warm, humid, partially cloudy High Wycombe as Yuliya and I have taken the day off from our day jobs to celebrate Lughnasadh.
So, let’s look back over July shall we?
On 1st July we relaunched the stream after a bumpy campaign and a year’s hiatus. It was a year I desperately needed in order to recharge my batteries. Within a few hours we had our first few listeners and within a few days, our first supporters!
We announced that Yuliya had joined the team as our editor and as the official LGBTQIA+ contact.
So where do we end the first month?
- Number of unique listeners: 272
- Number of unique countries: 40
- Number of unique cities: 199
This is incredible! Obviously we don’t know who our listeners are unless they contact us, but it means we have listeners in forty countries around the world!
Here are the top fifteen (in order) with most listeners:
USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Slovakia, Australia, Russia, Japan, Brazil, Slovenia, Türkiye, Mexico, Austria, Norway, France.
Here’s the map:
So where do we go from here?
New things are coming to Wyldwood; Through August you will hear more music being added to the stream, a new perk for our wonderful supporters (sneak peak coming very soon!), Wyldwood flyers will become available for people to hand out at festivals, Pagan shops etc, an expansion to the volunteer team and maybe, just maybe, the return of interviews, reviews and even a competition!
Thank you!
Thank you dear supporters! Your support has kept us inspired and is really helping us to grow again. We’re a long way away from the 6000+ likes we had on Facebook and the 21,000 listeners we had, and we may never see those numbers again thanks to the proliferation of Pagan radio stations which sprang up in the wake of Wyldwood Radio and the advent of Spotify; but we are so, so happy that we have achieved so much. And that’s thanks to people like you!
If you would like to help us even more, please share our Facebook page:
And if you are in the UK, EU or US, we can send you some flyers to hand out to local Pagan events, shops etc. Please contact us through the form on our website:
Or via Discord if you have joined the channel.
On that note – Discord membership is part of your membership for most support tiers. If you have not received your invitation yet, please let me know and I’ll sort one out for you!
For now, we’re going to celebrate, and we wish you the most wonderful, blessed Lughnasadh (Or Imbolc if you’re in the southern hemisphere)!
Bright blessings,