Wyldwood Radio

The Home of Pagan Music


Good morning Wyld Folk!

Firstly, I want to apologise for how long it has taken to write this post. My job has become more demanding and I am now dealing with a back injury which prevents me from sitting down for more than a few minutes.

It is windy and rainy here as the last dregs of Storm Darragh are sliding over the countryside.

Band of the Week

The Band of the week feature returned but fell apart very quickly for the same reasons as the lateness of this post. It will return in the new year.


So where did we end November? Number of unique listeners: 473 Number of unique countries: 43 Number of unique cities: 266.

Although those numbers are lower, there is a big reason for this; Russia. It seems as if our host has taken it upon themselves to Geoblock Russia. On the one hand, I understand the political decision behind this, our host is Canadian, and like most of the world, will be doing what little they can to support Ukraine and maybe change the tide of this awful war. On the other hand, Geoblocking the general public of a country; most of whom haven’t got a clue what’s actually happening in the war, or are fed with brainwashing material into supporting it; is not going to contribute anything to the war effort. We have long-time listeners and fans in Russia, artists we have interviewed, bands we have played, and it seems unfair to make this decision to cut them off from our station. It is however, beyond our control.

Disclaimer: We here at Wyldwood radio are against the Russian aggression toward the peaceful nation of Ukraine. However we understand that 99% of Russians are misinformed by their dictator about the real reasons and nature of the conflict.

Political bit over.

Here are the top ten (in order) with most listeners: USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Poland. Here’s the map:

I’ll try to have a more interesting post for you next month!

Bright Blessings!


Wyldwood Radio